[-] About this table
Includes the
top 180 QBs by total plays
Total <=0 |
Percent of plays that are negative or no gain |
Total >=10 |
Percent of plays that gain 10 or more yards |
Total >=25 |
Percent of plays that gain 25 or more yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Total >=10 to Total <=0 |
Includes the
top 240 RBs by total plays
Total <=0 |
Percent of plays that are negative or no gain |
Total >=10 |
Percent of plays that gain 10 or more yards |
Total >=25 |
Percent of plays that gain 25 or more yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Total >=10 to Total <=0 |
Includes the
top 300 Receivers by total plays
Total <=0 |
Percent of plays that are negative or no gain |
Total >=10 |
Percent of plays that gain 10 or more yards |
Total >=25 |
Percent of plays that gain 25 or more yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Total >=10 to Total <=0 |
top 180 players by pass attempts)
Completion % on 3rd and long (7+
Standardized completion % for
down and distance. Completion % by down and distance are weighted by
the national average of pass plays by down and distance.
Pass <=0 |
Percent of pass plays that are negative or no gain |
Pass >=10 |
Percent of pass plays that gain 10 or more yards |
Pass >=25 |
Percent of pass plays that gain 25 or more yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Pass >=10 to Pass<=0 |
Ratio of sacks to pass plays
Bad INTs
Interceptions on 1st or 2nd down
early before the last minute of the half
Includes the top 240 players by carries
Yards per carry on 1st down
Conversions (1st down/TD) per
carry in short yardage situations - the team 3 or fewer yards for a 1st
down or touchdown
%Team Run
Player's carries as a percent of team's carries
%Team RunS
Player's carries as a percent of team's carries in short
yardage situations
Run <=0
Percent of running plays that
are negative or no gain
Run >=10
Percent of running plays that
gain 10 or more yards
Run >=25 |
Percent of running plays that gain 25 or more yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Run >=10 to Run <=0 |
Includes the top 300 players by targets
Conv/T 3rd |
Conversions per target on 3rd Downs |
Conv/T PZ |
Touchdowns per target inside the 10 yardline |
%Team PZ |
Percent of team's targets inside the 10 yardline |
Rec <=0 |
Percent of targets that go for negative yards or no net gain |
Rec >=10 |
Percent of targets that go for 10+ yards |
Rec >=25 |
Percent of targets that go for 25+ yards |
10 to 0 |
Ratio of Rec>=0 to Rec<=0 |
Includes the top 300 players by targets
Includes players with a significant number of attempts
"Net Expected Points Added": (expected points after play - expected points before play)-(opponent's expected points after play - opponent's expected points before play). Uses the expected points for the current possession and the opponent's next possession based on down, distance and spot |
Average NEPA per play |
Max/Min |
Single game high and low |
Includes players with a significant number of attempts
"Net Expected Points Added": (expected points after play - expected points before play)-(opponent's expected points after play - opponent's expected points before play). Uses the expected points for the current possession and the opponent's next possession based on down, distance and spot |
Average NEPA per play |
Max/Min |
Single game high and low |
Adjusted |
Reports the per game EPA adjusted for the strength of schedule. |
Defensive Possession Stats
Points/Poss | Offensive points per possession |
EP3 | Effective Points per Possession |
EP3+ | Effective Points per Possession impact |
Plays/Poss | Plays per possession |
Yards/Poss | Yards per possession |
Start Spot | Average starting field position |
Time of Poss | Average time of possession (in seconds) |
TD/Poss | Touchdowns per possession |
TO/Poss | Turnovers per possession |
FGA/Poss | Attempted field goals per possession |
%RZ | Red zone trips per possession |
Points/RZ | Average points per red zone trip. Field Goals are included using expected points, not actual points. |
TD/RZ | Touchdowns per red zone trip |
FGA/RZ | Field goal attempt per red zone trip |
Downs/RZ | Turnover on downs per red zone trip |
Defensive Play-by-Play Stats
EPA/Pass | Expected Points Added per pass attempt |
EPA/Rush | Expected Points Added per rush attempt |
EPA/Pass+ | Expected Points Added per pass attempt impact |
EPA/Rush+ | Expected Points Added per rush attempt impact |
Yards/Pass | Yards per pass |
Yards/Rush | Yards per rush |
Yards/Pass+ | Yards per pass impact |
Yards/Rush+ | Yards per rush impact |
Exp/Pass | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per pass |
Exp/Rush | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per rush |
Exp/Pass+ | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per pass impact |
Exp/Rush+ | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per rush impact |
Comp% | Completion percentage |
Comp%+ | Completion percentage impact |
Yards/Comp | Yards per completion |
Sack/Pass | Sacks per pass |
Sack/Pass+ | Sacks per pass impact |
Sack/Pass* | Sacks per pass on passing downs |
INT/Pass | Interceptions per pass |
Neg/Rush | Negative plays (<=0) per rush |
Neg/Run+ | Negative plays (<=0) per rush impact |
Run Short | % Runs in short yardage situations |
Convert% | 3rd/4th down conversions |
Conv%* | 3rd/4th down conversions versus average by distance |
Conv%+ | 3rd/4th down conversions versus average by distance impact |
Offensive Play-by-Play Stats
Plays | Number of offensive plays |
%Pass | Percent pass plays |
EPA/Pass | Expected Points Added per pass attempt |
EPA/Rush | Expected Points Added per rush attempt |
EPA/Pass+ | Expected Points Added per pass attempt adjusted for competition |
EPA/Rush+ | Expected Points Added per rush attempt adjusted for competition |
Yards/Pass | Yards per pass |
Yards/Rush | Yards per rush |
Yards/Pass+ | Yards per pass adjusted for competition |
Yards/Rush+ | Yards per rush adjusted for competition |
Exp Pass | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per pass |
Exp Run | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per rush |
Exp Pass+ | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per pass adjusted for competition |
Exp Run+ | Explosive plays (25+ yards) per rush adjusted for competition |
Comp% | Completion percentage |
Comp%+ | Completion percentage adjusted for competition |
Sack/Pass | Sacks per pass |
Sack/Pass+ | Sacks per pass adjusted for competition |
Sack/Pass* | Sacks per pass on passing downs |
Int/Pass | Interceptions per pass |
Neg/Run | Negative plays (<=0) per rush |
Neg/Run+ | Negative plays (<=0) per rush adjusted for competition |
Run Short | % Runs in short yardage situations |
Convert% | 3rd/4th down conversions |
Conv%* | 3rd/4th down conversions versus average by distance |
Conv%+ | 3rd/4th down conversions versus average by distance adjusted for competition |
Offensive Possession Stats
Points/Poss | Offensive points per possession |
EP3 | Effective Points per Possession |
EP3+ | Effective Points per Possession adjusted for competition |
Plays/Poss | Plays per possession |
Yards/Poss | Yards per possession |
Start Spot | Average starting field position |
Time of Poss | Average time of possession (in seconds) |
TD/Poss | Touchdowns per possession |
TO/Poss | Turnovers per possession |
FGA/Poss | Attempted field goals per possession |
Poss/Game | Possessions per game |
%RZ | Red zone trips per possession |
Points/RZ | Average points per red zone trip. Field Goals are included using expected points, not actual points. |
TD/RZ | Touchdowns per red zone trip |
FGA/RZ | Field goal attempt per red zone trip |
Downs/RZ | Turnover on downs per red zone trip |
PPP | Points per Possession |
aPPP | Points per Possession allowed |
PPE | Points per Exchange (PPP-aPPP) |
EP3+ | Expected Points per Possession |
aEP3+ | Expected Points per Possession allowed |
EP2E+ | Expected Points per Exchange |
EPA/Pass+ | Expected Points Added per Pass |
EPA/Rush+ | Expected Points Added per Rush |
aEPA/Pass+ | Expected Points Allowed per Pass |
aEPA/Rush+ | Expected Points Allowed per Rush |
Exp/Pass | Explosive Plays per Pass |
Exp/Rush | Explosive Plays per Rush |
aExp/Pass | Explosive Plays per Pass allowed |
aExp/Rush | Explosive Plays per Rush allowed |
BPR | A method for ranking conferences based only on their wins and losses and the strength of schedule. See BPR for an explanation. |
Power | A composite measure that is the best predictor of future game outcomes, averaged across all teams in the conference |
P-Top | The power ranking of the top teams in the conference |
P-Mid | The power ranking of the middling teams in the conference |
P-Bot | The power ranking of the worst teams in the conference |
SOS-Und | Strength of Schedule - Undefeated. Focuses on the difficulty of going undefeated, averaged across teams in the conference |
SOS-BE | Strength of Schedule - Bowl Eligible. Focuses on the difficulty of becoming bowl eligible, averaged across teams in the conference |
Hybrid | A composite measure that quantifies human polls, applied to converences |
Player Game Log
Use the yellow, red and green cells to filter values. Yellow cells filter for exact matches, green cells for greater values and red cells for lesser values. By default, the table is filtered to only the top 200 defense-independent performances (oEPA). The table includes the 5,000 most important performances (positive and negative) by EPA.
EPA | Expected points added (see glossary) |
oEPA | Defense-independent performance |
Team Game Log
Use the yellow, red and green cells to filter values. Yellow cells filter for exact matches, green cells for greater values and red cells for lesser values.
EP3 | Effective points per possession (see glossary) |
oEP3 | Defense-independent offensive performance |
dEP3 | Offense-independent defensive performance |
EPA | Expected points added (see glossary) |
oEPA | Defense-independent offensive performance |
dEPA | Offense-independent defensive performance |
EPAp | Expected points added per play |
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